Please remember that it is very important for parents/guardians to send a written note if there is any change in a student’s normal transportation arrangements and to inform their children of the change. Unless there are instructions in writing, a child will be sent home on his/her assigned form of transportation as identified by the Daily Transportation Schedule. Please make sure your Daily Transportation Schedule form matches your Family File. If you make a change, please submit a written note as well as update your Family File. Please do not call the office with changes except in the case of true emergencies.
Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures
Once buses begin pulling into the parking lot in the morning or afternoon, please do not pull into the lot. Please park along the curb near the fields at the entrance to the lot. This line will probably continue down Centennial Lane. Please remain in your car. When the buses leave, a staff member will direct you to pull along the curb in front of the building. The first car should move to the farthest corner of the building, therefore leaving as much room as possible for the other cars. Once students have exited the cars or gotten into them, the first car will pull away, with the other cars following. Do not pull out of the car loop line. Please be patient and wait for the car line to move. This is for the safety of students and staff and to avoid any accidents in our parking lots.
We also ask that you do not park along the guardrail on Centennial Lane to avoid the car line. Since the shoulder of the road is so narrow, you put yourself and your childe in danger as you enter or exit your car. You also put yourself in danger when you cross the parking lot in front of incoming buses. It would be much better to park on Font Hill or Culverene at the end of our walking paths.
Bus Transportation
Students are not permitted to ride buses they are not assigned to ride. Students assigned by the County as walkers are not permitted to ride any bus to or from school. Bus changes may only be made for emergency reasons. Going home with another student for a play date, homework group is NOT considered an emergency. If you are enrolled in a home daycare and your child will need to ride a different bus, you must fill out the proper bus application for approval from central office to ride a different bus. Bus transportation cannot be provided until this form is returned to the front office and is approved. Please note that the school system is asking schools to closely monitor this procedure.
Volunteers – All volunteers must take the Confidentiality Training Course. Please see the following link for training and forms required -
Please submit a copy of your certificate to each of your children’s homeroom teachers you are volunteering for, or if you are volunteering specifically in media or technology, please provide them with the certificate.
Custoday Agreements - If you have a custody agreement, please make sure the front office has a copy. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wadsworth