Presentation shared with families new to CLES.
Website for Families New to CLES:
Howard County Assessments (PARCC, MAP, MISA, CogAt)

- Follow us on Twitter at
- We use Twitter to inform, celebrate, and engage our community.
- Twitter is used to share what is going on in our school, our community, and throughout the school district.
- Even if you don't use Twitter, you will see our tweets on our website.

- Email is still our main form of communication along with our website.
- You will receive news and information automatically to the email address you provide in your Family File.
- If you would like notifications sent to different email addresses, sign up each year for e-alerts at
- Weekly announcements, important information and updates, and more will primarily be sent through email.
- You also have the oportunity to opt-in for text messaging.
HCPSS Connect
HCPSS Connect is the one-stop portal to access Synergy, Canvas, and the Family File.
The Synergy Student Information is your source for official student records & grades. (MS, HS - grades)
The Canvas Learning System gives teachers, parents, and students tools to communicate, collaborate, and connect.
Both systems are extremely easy to learn and to use.
Benefits of HCPSS Connect for Parents, Students & Teachers:
•Improved communication and collaboration •All schools and grades use the same digital platform •Single sign-on - 1 user/pass for HCPSS Connect •Anytime/anywhere access • Find full details and instructions online at CANVAS How do I make sure I receive announcements that my teacher is sending out? How do I find my teacher's Canvas page?