Student Absences

Student Absences

Please email all student attendance notes to ensure that your student's lawful absence is marked as excused and they will have the opportunity to make up work. In your email, please include your child's name and grade. Please remember that you have up to 5 days after your child's return to school to submit an absence note. When emailing a note, you will receive an automated message to verify that your email was received. Please do not send attendance notes to your child's teachers. If you have any questions about your child's attendance, please email


Student attendance for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will occur as follows:

  • At the elementary level, both the homeroom teacher and mathematics teacher will take attendance, noting whether students were present online for synchronous instruction.

  • A student must attend BOTH the ELA synchronous session and the Math synchronous session to be counted present for a full day.

  • If a student attends EITHER the ELA synchronous session or the Math synchronous session he/she will  be marked present for a half day.

  •  If a student  DOES NOT attend the ELA synchronous session or the Math synchronous session he/she will  be marked absent for the day..

Student attendance for Wednesday instruction will occur as follows:

  • A student will be counted as present for Wednesday if they do one or more of the following since the previous Wednesday:

    • Submit an assignment to one of their teachers

    • Engage in synchronous instruction with an HCPSS teacher

    • Complete work in the Canvas learning management system, DreamBox or Lexia Core5