
Dear CLES Families,

We are very appreciative of the partnership we have with our families and the support that we receive through our volunteers.   The volunteers' time and effort with field trips and their support of our classrooms allow CLES to enhance the opportunities for our students and ensure safety on our field trips.   

In order to meet Maryland law, we will begin a new procedure for our volunteers at Centennial Lane Elementary School.  

Maryland State Law requires Volunteers, including Parent Volunteers, to complete annual Child Abuse Training prior to serving as a school volunteer (in any capacity, including field trip/chaperones).  Child Abuse Training provides volunteers with the opportunity to learn about child abuse reporting procedures when abuse is suspected.

We are asking that each of our volunteers complete Child Abuse Training prior to assisting in school. Please go to our website under the "Get Involved" tab to view the PowerPoint presentation.  Once you have viewed each slide, please fill out the certificate of completion and return it to our front office.