MAP Assessments

Dear CLES Families,

This year, our school will be administering the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments in reading and mathematics in grades 1-5.  These assessments will be given during the weeks of September 29 and October 6, respectively.  Although the tests are not timed, the typical length of time for the MAP test is approximately one hour per content area.

The MAP assessments are computer-adaptive tests.  As a student responds to questions, the test responds to the student, adjusting up or down the difficulty of the questions presented.   MAP assessments measure a student’s growth over time in reading and mathematics.  MAP assessments let teachers know where a student’s strengths are and if help is needed in specific instructional areas.  Teachers use this information, along with the results of a variety of other assessments and their own observation of student performance, to help them guide classroom instruction.

After the test is administered, you will receive information about your child’s score.  If you have additional questions, please see the school system’s website at


Amanda Wadsworth



Bradley Scobie

Assistant Principal