Now that our first quarter is complete, we will be sending home first quarter report cards, conducting parent-teacher conferences, and inviting families to share in American Education Week. Report cards come home on Wednesday, November 12th. When you receive the report card, it is a wonderful opportunity to discuss the areas your child performed well in (learning behaviors, effort or grades) as well as set goals for the next quarter. While Parent/Teacher Conferences aren’t until the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the online scheduling tool, pickAtime, will open on November 12th and remain open until November 20th. This is an excellent opportunity to meet with the homeroom teacher to discuss your child’s progress in language arts as well as your child’s learning behaviors. To access pickAtime, log on to and click on the pickAtime link. You will need your child's student ID, which can be found on their report card.
American Education Week is the week of November 17th. This is a wonderful opportunity to come and visit your child's classroom. The theme this year is: Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility. As we shared in our newsletter, you are invited at any time during the week. To accommodate the parking needs and student activities such as field trips, we have suggested the following days as designated visitation days for the teams.
Monday, November 17- Grades 1 & 5
Tuesday, November 18- Grade 4
Wednesday, November 19- Kindergarten & Grade 3
Thursday, November 20- Grade 2
As always, thank you for the support and positive feedback you have provided to us. We continue to strive for a high level of collaboration and communication.
Amanda Wadsworth